21 Nov


20 Nov

 This is a lobster I learnt to make from another book. Its not perfect, but it was fun to make. Also, I have run out of translucent clay for the lettuce. I think I will make a second one after I replenish my supplies.

Wholemeal Bread

19 Nov

I learnt this method from a book I borrowed from the neighbourhood library. It involves mixing ground rice into polymer clay to give it the wholemeal bread texture. It really works but grinding the rice was not an easy job. I am not sure if they sell ready ground rice in the stores but they are supposed to be “baby food”. The same method can be applied to make cakes.


19 Nov

By favourite kind of cornflakes is MILO. Fruit loops and koko krunch is great too.  I’ve heard cheerios are good but haven’t tried them myself. So, I decided to make milo cornflakes in milk 😀

Jumping Clay!

19 Nov

Hello, have not posted in a long time =P Been busy with school committments and other stuff. I made quite a few by now but have not posted. Based on some experimenting, jumping clay is better for “kawaii” charms like little animals and hearts and biscuits and so on. Not that effecetive in realistic food creation. I find its rather tricky to handle but the results are good. Its lightweight and the colours are rather bright so it will make great handphone charms, keychains and other danglies.

Heart and penguin (:

Grilled Fish western Meal

5 Nov

I love western food! Though that excludes the coleslaw. Anyway, the coleslaw in the picture is made using liquid sculpey(mixed with some chalk) and some small shreds of orange clay(carrot), small shreds of light green (cabbage) and little drops of yellow (corn).  I think I will try making fries with ridges next time.

Cheese (:

1 Nov


Actually, cheese isn’t really sold this way in Singapore. Though I think you can find some that are sold this way at The Marketplace . It’s some sort of supermarket that sells mostly imported goods.

Tang Yuan (Glutinous Rice Balls)

31 Oct


This delicacy is quite popular in S’pore and some other parts of asia. It is actually small glutinous rice balls (usually pink or white) in sugar syrup soup (with pandan) or sometimes in peanut soup. The one I made is in peanut soup. Sometimes, there are fillings in it. Usually peanut or sesame paste. I think I will make some of those soon.

Polymer Clay Food

28 Oct

This post will tellyou all about my hobby of creating polymer clay food and some other information (:

Firstly, I started this hobby two years ago after being inspired by some people on TV showing off their great talents. (I mean this in a good way). I started out simp0le with creations like hot dog buns and donuts. I do remember that my very first creation was a hot dog but with mustard. Then, I did not really take much notice on whether they looked realistic. Due to my streaming examinations, I stopped making clay stuff for about a year. When the exams ended, my interest and love for making miniature food with clay came back with much much more enthusiasm. I started learning from tutorials, mostly made by Gentlemanbunny and Garden O Imagination. So I have a lot to thank them for. It is because of them that I can improve my skills to how they are now.

Two years back, I bought my clay and a set of basic tools. This year, I replenished the colours which were running out and bought more tools like the clay extruder. I also bought some liquid clay and colour chalk/chalk pastels. Many of my tools are recycled stuff. I use covers of vitamin tablet tubes as cutters and the tube itself as a roller. Other “homemade” tools include bottle caps,  pudding spoons, stirers etc.

I am now really considering to sell my items as they are rather costly and I nee more $$ to replenish my supply. However, I will NOT sell the things exactly as they are shown in tutorials. In fact, I will try to make as much modifications as possible. I also borrow cookbooks with pictures from the library for reference. They are great for giving you ideas and also giving you pictorial referance. Anyway, my items would probably be sold at about bewtween S$5-s$10. Well, I have to first hone my skills and make sure they are at selling standard.

Ok, thats all for now. Hope you like my creations (:

Strawberry cake

28 Oct